Thursday, 29 November 2012

A Little Etsy Love



Thank you to Nancy of A Little Etsy Love for featuring my Etsy shop on the blog yesterday
And remember it's still 10% off everything in my shop til end of Dec 2012!


Monday, 26 November 2012

Finished! My Second Silver Jewellery Course Project

Here's the finished silver pendant I made as the second project for the silver jewellery evening class course I'm on. The "brief" for want of a better word, was amulets and charms. I didn't really know what an amulet was - I thought it was something you put things in - it's something you wear like a talisman to protect you from danger and bad luck so like a good luck charm really!

I loved the finger shape of an amulet I saw on a Jewish jewellery website so decided to go with that to start with. I also wanted to add texture with skeleton leaves and pierce out a shape as I haven't done any piercing before. I managed to break 3 saw blades piercing out the heart!

I melted some sterling silver to form balls then hammered and stamped them and soldered them above the heart. Then it was a case of filing and sanding, using the triangle file to add the cut in bits at the bottom and making and soldering a jump ring for hanging. I finished off by oxidizing it (of course!)

I'll be honest, the finished pendant is nothing like the original idea and design I drew apart from the shape and the pierced heart! It kind of evolved as I saw the shape and actual size of it as I was making it. The texturing is a bit uneven, the heart is off centre - it's definitely organic and a little bit quaint :D

I was the first one to finish - a couple of people on the course haven't even started their's yet (three weeks into the project!) and are still at the planning stage so for the next few weeks I can play and make what I like :D

Sunday, 25 November 2012

10% Off In My Etsy Shop? Yes Please!

I've decided to have a 10% off event in my Etsy shop
until 31 December. That's 10% off everything including my handmade findings!
Just use the code "CINNAMON" to qualify.

I felt the need to stamp circles on metal last week. I have a thing about circles which apparently goes back to my childhood. Way back when I was three and we lived in Toronto my Mum's friend Judy always knew which child had scribbled on her apartment wall in crayon { circles : me, other things : her son }
I still love circles today and they do feature in my jewellery quite a lot in one form or another :D

Not circles but leaf vein texture using skeleton leaves and the rolling mill at college on a piece of "practise" copper sheet which found it's way home with me and turned into a pair of earrings :D