Thursday, 31 December 2009

Happy Giveaways On IndieSmiles!

Looking for beautifully crafted handmade items for FREE?!  IndieSmiles now has a Happy Giveaways page dedicated to sellers giving away one of their items or holding give aways on their blogs!

Items up for grabs include ~

Coffee Cup Cozy Giveaway from Sew Sweet Stitches

Red Loopy Brooch Corsage Giveaway from SeventySeventyOne Design (a Folksy seller!)

Gift Certificate Giveaway from Artisan Clay

Win a yard of custom fabric from Eye Candey

Family Keepsake Print Giveaway from Amazing Mae

Other giveaway items include a Nautical Necklace, a bright and colourful Resin
Bangle and the chance to win one of 5 pairs of earrings from Tara Henderson

Pop over to IndieSmiles for the full list and the chance to win something beautiful (and FREE!)

Saturday, 26 December 2009

How To Keep A Cat Amused At Christmas

All you need is a big box, some wrapping paper, bubble wrap and a cat called Eddie ............

This one's my favourite ~ how totally evil does he look?!

Ready For My Close~Up Daaaarling!

This is Tuppence bearing the scars on her nose from her frequent handbag fights with Eddie.
She really hates him............................

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Cats And Wrapping

Yes, I've actually finished my Christmas shopping AND wrapped everything! I did the wrapping last night with one eye on Coronation Street whilst simultaneously eating a bar of Cadburys. I also managed it without the "help" of Eddie, one of my cats (he likes to rip up wrapping paper like a thing possessed)
My colour choices for the wrapping are a bit dubious this year, I'm not quite sure what I was thinking to be honest. It started out ok with some pretty turquoise paper with circle design, complete with purple (what!) gift tags which I thought were gold until I got to the till but then couldn't be bothered to go back and change, and finished off with gold bows. The bows are very pretty but don't stick so I had to use sellotape on them as well ~ take note Sainsburys!
But at least it's done!

Here's a picture of Eddie keeping a close watch on my jewellery making. Notice the wonderful "studio" I work from aka the diningroom table!

He looks quite sweet doesn't he? He isn't. I christened him Satan's Cat when he was a kitten because of the mass destruction he would cause to various items including my lovely 3ft Devil's Ivy plant which he chewed at the bottom. I couldn't work out why the plant started to die off at the top until I caught him at it one day. Squirting him with water every time I saw him do it didn't make any difference so things had to get serious. I sprayed the plant with water then shook pepper on to the stems. I wasn't sure if it was working until the day I heard a little cat sneeze from the livingroom.............. The plant went on to live and so did Eddie obviously. It didn't stop him trying to cr*p in another plant on the windowsill though.

More Cats

This one's Charlie hanging over the top of the kitchen cupboard

He's quite well~behaved really compared to Eddie.

And this is Tuppence ~

She's a very pretty cat but does have a habit of taking a break from looking beautiful to have a cup of tea and a fag occasionally.

Enough of cats and wrapping, I'm off to look at beautiful beads and other jewellery~type lovely stuff on the internet!

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

First Folksy Article On IndieSmiles!

My first Folksy article is now up on IndieSmiles!
It's titled "What's Folksy?" and is an introduction to the idea behind Folksy and the wealth of talented designers and crafters to be found there.

I chose photos from several Folksy sellers to be featured in the first article to give an idea of the talent and originality of UK designers and crafters. I will be featuring more sellers in later articles!

Here are the photos I used ~

A beautiful pair of Copper Ivy Leaf Earrings from Ali Bali Jewellery

A bright and original Skull & Crossbones cushion design by BLONDEDESIGN

 A gorgeous set of Textured Bowls by Philippa Lewis Ceramics

 Delicious~looking Rose Patchouli Soap by Saffonbarr

 and a cute and very appropriate sign from AnnieFloribunda

The idea behind the articles (more to come!) is to spread the word about Folksy to a wider, mainly American audience, letting people know where we Folksy sellers are and to showcase our very talented UK designers and crafters.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

The Wonder Of Google Analytics

Thanks to a posting on the Folksy Forum from Woody of Wood Jewellery I've just discovered I can see where visitors to my Folksy shop live! Click on the Map Overlay report and a world map appears highlighting the countries your visitors are from. Click on each country and you get a more detailed report listing the state/town!

Most of my shop visitors have been from the UK and USA, with the majority in the UK from London and the South East, although there is a cluster from the North West which is nice as I used to live in Lancashire before defecting to the South 23 years ago!
The majority of US visits are from Ohio and California, with Akron in Ohio scoring the most visits. I wonder why?

Other countries I've received visits from include Australia, India, Poland, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Estonia, Greece, Turkey, France, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. It's nice to know Folksy is reaching so far afield!

Apart from the obvious keywords used ~ folksy,, some of the stranger ones have included "aardvark cafe manifesto" (!), "zoe badger" and "buy pressed amber". How they ended up in my Folksy shop I'll never know!
Knowing some of the keywords people are using is useful as you can add the less strange ones to your keywords when listing your items. A couple I saw used were "unusual" and "unique" which I've now added to my shop keywords.

Referring Sites
Referring sites make up roughly half of all visits to my shop with the majority coming from the Folksy forums and my blog. Next highest are Facebook, shophandmade and the Folksy blog. I've also had visitors referred from Twitter which is pretty good as I don't Twitter myself, (thanks Serena aka The Copper Swallow on Folksy!) and direct from Google

It really is worth using Google Analytics if you don't already. Click here for instructions on how to set it up for your shop.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

I've finally admitted...............

that Christmas is going to happen again this year!

Don't get me wrong, I do like Christmas but to be totally honest if it was possible I would go into hibernation the day after my birthday in October & emerge round about March when things start to turn green again. I love Spring because it means you've got Christmas & New Year over with and Summer to look forward to!

However, as that isn't possible I suppose I will have to think about what to buy people. I have a few ideas and I'm planning to make an early morning (well, 8.30ish) dash to town next week (not this weekend, NEVER at a weekend coming up to Christmas!)

Buying Christmas presents for my Dad

I'm going to hit M&S to buy my Dad some of these........

Yes, I know, not very original but it's what he wants ("size 9 leather please"!) I will probably also buy him some of these..........

which is good as I can eat some of them too (all of them if he goes out of the room for long enough). I might also buy him something to do with golf...........balls maybe, you can never have too many golf balls. I usually buy him a couple of bottles of red wine each Christmas but for some strange reason he doesn't want any this year. I've just remembered something else he wants ~ Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits CD. I don't think he realized he wanted this CD but he does now. The conversation went something like this.... (Advert for CD had just been on the telly) Me: "Would you like that for Christmas?" Dad: "Yes alright".

What I will probably get for Christmas again (I still have some left from last year.......and the year before............)

and some of these..........

I never complain about receiving chocolates because as far as I'm concerned chocolate

My ex-boyfriend had a nut allergy, nothing serious, they just made him very sick. I was quite glad because it meant I didn't have to worry about sharing my Fererro Rocher with him. I think he secretly resented this as once he pinned me down and tried to force feed me with Malteasers.

Right, I'm off to look lovingly at the box of 30 Christmas cards I bought from Sainsburys the other day. I just can't wait to start writing them and then realize I haven't got enough so have to buy some more to give to the people I've forgotten who have just given me their lovingly written Christmas card with a naff photo of a candle on the front....................

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Behind The Counter ~ Folksy Seller Interview

Serena Cowdy, owner of Folksy shop The Copper Swallow, came up with a suggestion a couple of weeks ago on the Folksy Forum ~ Why not have a series of interviews about Folksy sellers to feature on our blogs? I thought it was a brilliant idea! What better way to find out a bit more about the person behind the shop: what motivates them to create and why they chose their particular field ............. to which side of the fence they're on when it comes to Marmite!!

My first interview is with Serena, the brains behind The Copper Swallow!
Based in London, Serena is never happier than when she's pottering around with her camera ...............

When did you start selling on Folksy?

I only set up shop on Folksy at the beginning of November, but I did quite a bit of research (and lurked around the Folksy forums a lot!) before that.

The name of your Folksy shop is quite unusual ~ how did you come up with it?

Wildlife is one of my passions, and is a central theme in my work. I think if were a creature, I think I'd be a swallow - I'm pretty high energy and I'm always nipping about at the speed of life. And I've got copper-coloured hair - so it all seemed to fit together rather nicely!

How would you describe what you sell?

I like to think that if a 1930s naturalist made paper goods, they would look a bit like this. My work brings together my wildlife photography with stationery that reminds people of brown paper parcels tied up with string, and of postcards sent from far away lands.

How did you get into photography & what inspires you?

I work as a freelance journalist, and I first started to teach myself photography so I could sell images alongside the features I write. I'm not that interested in taking pictures of people or man-made constructions though - I quickly realised the magic lay in taking photographs of wildife and natural history.

These things excite me every time I look through the lens. There is so much beauty in small, 'everyday' creatures like a bee or a sparrow. And there's always some new facet to find. I love the fact that some really extraordinary wildlife lives on my urban doorstep - there's no need to go to exotic places to find it!

I'm still just a beginner though, really - with so much to learn. I'm always hugely inspired by the Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards - the latest exhibition was incredible.

What are your best sellers?

At the moment my postage stamp Christmas gift tags are doing very well. I think people like the fact they're simple, quirky and have a vintage feel.

Where do you find the beautiful stamps you use in your photos?

I'm a total stamp geek. I can sit for hours happily prodding about in piles of stamps and listening to Radio 4. I usually buy unsorted bags from online dealers, who've just swept hundreds of international stamps into bags without looking at them. That means I get to have hours of nerdy fun rooting around and hunting down the really interesting ones.

How important do you feel it is to recycle?

Until last year, I was often guilty of picking up plastic bags in the supermarket when I'd forgotten to bring my own. Then one day I came across this photograph of a bird caught in a plastic bag at a rubbish dump. It made me cry my eyes out and I felt so angry, partly at myself.

We have no right to inflict our rubbish on the natural world in this way. That's why I now make every effort to recycle, and to buy recycled and biodegradable products. My goods hopefully reflect some of that commitment.

Do you have a website/blog? is my professional website - sort of a control centre where you can find out about my shop, my journalism, my photography and me! is my personal blog. I generally talk about design, photography, wildlife and animal welfare - but other topics seem to creep in too...

Do you sell anywhere else online?

No, I don't. Promoting one shop takes a lot of time and energy, so I think selling in other venues too might mean I spread myself too thinly. Perhaps in the future though. I really like Folksy's community feel, and the fact that I'm keeping it British!

Have you ever tried craft fairs?

Not yet. I'd love to give one a go once I've polished and expanded my range. I think they can be really tough - I know lots of people who haven't even managed to cover their table fees - but they can be fantastic, too.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about opening a Folksy shop?

Really concentrate on getting good stock photographs sorted. There are some fantastic creations on Folksy (and Etsy) that are really let down by the quality of their photographs. Buyers can't touch or handle your items, so it really it all about the photos.

What advice (being a photographer!) would you give on taking photos to Folksy sellers?

These days you don't need an expensive camera and Photoshop. Once you know the basics, a simply 'point and shoot' digital camera will do the job just fine, and you can download powerful photo editing software - like the GIMP - for free.

Some Folksy sellers - like Haptree - have posted excellent beginner photography tutorials on their blogs, so make sure you check them out.

I really do think a clean, simple background is key; anything else tends to look confusing and messy. And always use the three images you're given per listing, showing your item at different distances and angles.

What interests you apart from selling on Folksy?

I love everything to do with the outdoors. I trained as an actress before becoming a journalist, and I still occasionally 'dabble' in that! I love antiques, too (I'm constantly on the hunt for that overlooked bargain) - and I'm passionate about animal welfare.

What plans do you have for your online selling for 2010?

I'm working on some new items that I'm quite excited about - expect to see some manila notecards and 'nature notes' notebooks hitting my shop very soon! I've love to raise The Copper Swallow's profile a little, and perhaps get a couple of shops to stock my work in the high street. Fingers crossed...

MARMITE ~ Love it or hate it!?

I'm an advertising person's nightmare - that weird girl in the middle. I did love it, until I found Vegemite; to which I'm now converted. Marmite just can't compare!

Thank you so much Serena!
I love the uniqueness of Serena's stationery, using such beautiful stamps in their original form and in her photos is a novel idea. Visit her Folksy shop The Copper Swallow to see more of her unique creations! 
You can read Serena's interview with me here

Friday, 4 December 2009

IndieSmiles Columnist!

I'm about to become the latest contributing columnist for Indiesmiles! Who? You may ask? IndieSmiles is a US website dedicated to highlighting handmade (individual therefore "Indie") shops, ranging from jewellery, art, sewing crafts and much more ......

Sue, the owner of IndieSmiles left a message in one of the Folksy forums asking for people to contact her if they would like to become a Folksy rep, writing regular articles highlighting Folksy & it's talented sellers. I thought I'd reply & today I received an email from Sue asking me to write for them. What a great way to spread the word about Folksy! In return I get a 2 week free advertising spot for my Folksy shop! 
Now I just need to get my shop button sorted out & my bio then think of the subject of my first column! I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

My Latest Folksy Buys....with Christmas In Mind!

Went on a bit of a spending spree on Sunday night and this is what I bought!.................

Three Felt Hanging Hearts by COOKIESCORNER

Three Felt Hanging Decorations by COOKIESCORNER (again!)

Six handmade polymer clay Green Leafy Buttons by CarolsCrafts


Alexander Henry Fabric Cushion Cover by DOCOMEAGAIN!!

Sunday, 29 November 2009

New On Folksy This Week

Here are my new "creations" currently being listed in my Folksy shop this week!

1. Blueberry Pie, 2. Jet Pendant, 3. Silver Leaf Blues Pendant, 4. Spiral Heart Pendant, 5. Lava, 6. Caged Amethyst, 7. Carnelian Twists, 8. Orange Glow, 9. Amethyst Wishes

As you can see I've started making pendants after a great suggestion by a fellow Folksy seller. I have lots of ideas for more pendants plus I will also sell some with leather thongs (just got to order some!) so keep watching this space!

Saturday, 28 November 2009

New Wirework book by Sharilyn Miller

One of my favourite Wirework artists, Sharilyn Miller has a new book out this week!

It's called "Wire Art Jewelry" & is priced at $24.95 (about £15) She's published it herself therefore the photos inside are in black & white, which is a shame but I'm sure if the book is anything as good as her others it won't matter that much!

The link from her website to order the book doesn't appear to be working unfortunately but I shall find a way to get hold of it so I can write a review!

Here are some of the projects in the book ~

Double Spiral Bangle

Angels Earrings

Dancing Man Necklace


That's all for this time!
Tracy x

Sunday, 22 November 2009


Ok. So it's not strictly jewellery but I watched David Attenborough's "Life" earlier tonight ( I missed it on Monday night) & was blown away by the beauty of the Monarch butterfly! I watched it in HD which made it even more beautiful I felt the need to find some photos & post them ..................

Hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I do!

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Latest Earrings on Folksy!

Here's some of my latest designs in my Folksy shop this week

Baubles ~ Faceted Ruby Quartz on Sterling Silver wirewrapped headpins, suspended from Spiral earwires

Peace ~ Peace Jade teardrops wirewrapped in Sterling Silver & suspended on Spiral earwires

Pearly Dewdrops ~ Freeform Sterling Silver swirls with wirewrap detail & "orchid" Freshwater Pearls

Sasha ~ Faceted Smoky Quartz teardrops with a wrap of Sterling Silver

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

My Favourite Sites ~ Part One!


Based in Ann Arbour, MI, USA, Lima Beads is a bright & funky site selling a vast selection of Semi~Precious Beads in all shapes & sizes, Freshwater Pearls, CZ, Cabachons, Charms, Findings in Sterling Silver, Copper & Brass, Vintaj charms plus lots more!
I've bought from them several times & have always been very happy when my order has arrived (usually  arriving in just over a week, not bad from the US!)

Another great thing about Lima Beads is the community of friendly fellow beaders that exists on the site. When you register with them you create your own profile to share. Lots of us have "Chick" names ~ I'm Spiral Chick, then there's Little Round Chick, Happy Chick, Chicky LE, Coffee Chick............... most of the community are from the US but there's also people from Norway, Belgium, & the UK.

Fresh Picks & More!
Once you register you can enter the interactive world of Fresh Picks, where you create a pick of 16 items that you can then post for others to see & comment on.

The Big Green Bead Machine ~ watch the prices of a selection of goodies drop every 5 minutes & bag them while you can!

 You can also create a Wish List of items that have caught your eye then easily transfer them to your shopping basket.

WARNING!  This site is very addictive & could waste lots of your time (in a good way!)

Design Gallery
 The Design Gallery allows you to upload photos of your jewellery for other Lima Beaders to see & comment on ~ all nice comments, don't worry!
There's so many beautiful creations in the Design Gallery, here are some of my favourites ~

Tic Tac Toe by doktordesigns

Tear Of Joy by Lynn G

Starry Night by Lorri G

The Malachite Challenge by Weimai Coffee Chick

Copper Swirls by ChickyLE

Faux Animal Prints Necklace by DivaChick

Out In The Cosmos by JessBell

Afternoon In The Garden by GemsChica Chick

Lima Beads is definitely worth a visit if only to play around with the Fresh Picks, look at all the beautiful beads & check out the fab variety of creations in the Design Gallery!

Bead Happy!