Don't get me wrong, I do like Christmas but to be totally honest if it was possible I would go into hibernation the day after my birthday in October & emerge round about March when things start to turn green again. I love Spring because it means you've got Christmas & New Year over with and Summer to look forward to!
However, as that isn't possible I suppose I will have to think about what to buy people. I have a few ideas and I'm planning to make an early morning (well, 8.30ish) dash to town next week (not this weekend, NEVER at a weekend coming up to Christmas!)
Buying Christmas presents for my Dad
I'm going to hit M&S to buy my Dad some of these........
Yes, I know, not very original but it's what he wants ("size 9 leather please"!) I will probably also buy him some of these..........
which is good as I can eat some of them too (all of them if he goes out of the room for long enough). I might also buy him something to do with golf...........balls maybe, you can never have too many golf balls. I usually buy him a couple of bottles of red wine each Christmas but for some strange reason he doesn't want any this year. I've just remembered something else he wants ~ Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits CD. I don't think he realized he wanted this CD but he does now. The conversation went something like this.... (Advert for CD had just been on the telly) Me: "Would you like that for Christmas?" Dad: "Yes alright".
What I will probably get for Christmas again (I still have some left from last year.......and the year before............)
and some of these..........
I never complain about receiving chocolates because as far as I'm concerned chocolate
My ex-boyfriend had a nut allergy, nothing serious, they just made him very sick. I was quite glad because it meant I didn't have to worry about sharing my Fererro Rocher with him. I think he secretly resented this as once he pinned me down and tried to force feed me with Malteasers.
Right, I'm off to look lovingly at the box of 30 Christmas cards I bought from Sainsburys the other day. I just can't wait to start writing them and then realize I haven't got enough so have to buy some more to give to the people I've forgotten who have just given me their lovingly written Christmas card with a naff photo of a candle on the front....................
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