Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Etsy? Etsy shop? Oh, I remember!

Yes, I do infact have an Etsy shop. Something that I have to remind myself of occasionally. I opened it in September and had a couple of sales. Then I discovered Folksy. And we all know what that means! I've now become totally obssessed with my Folksy shop, the forums, making jewellery for my (you've guessed it) Folksy shop, reading other Folksy sellers' blogs, doing Folksy picks, promoting my Folksy shop, doing interviews with Folksy sellers.............anything and everything  to do with the "F" word.

The time has come I feel that I have to return to the land of Etsy and MAKE AN EFFORT! I must admit I didn't have a blog when I started on Etsy and I wasn't on Facebook either so couldn't promote it that way. To be honest I didn't really promote it at all apart from in the Design Gallery on Lima Beads, where I got most of my sales (well, 4 out of a huge 5 sales!). Lima Beads is a great site by the way and you can post photos of your jewellery in their Design Gallery once you sign up. It's not a selling venue but some of my friends on there liked my stuff and kindly bought it from my Etsy shop :D
A lot of my items have now expired on Etsy so it really is time to have an early spring clean, make some new stuff and maybe take apart some of the jewellery I've put on there that, looking at it now, I wonder what I was thinking! It's not that bad, it's just not what I want on there anymore. That's the great thing about making jewellery ~ you can take it apart again!
Anyway, I'm now going to try and concentrate on jewellery for my Etsy shop for a while.............I'll keep you posted :D

I know there's a mouse here somewhere..........

Silly cat :D

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