Here's the first batch of enamelled discs I made a couple of days ago that are slowly being listed on Etsy. Doing 36 at once was fun - I normally do about 4 - 6 at a time when I make enamelled stuff for jewellery but once the counter enamelling was done the best part of adding the colour went well and was quite relaxing to be honest, very therapeutic! Here's a few photos of some of the discs.......
Having made the very important decision as to which colours to go for ( I have quite a few!) I had to decide on size and quantity. I went for packs of 6 small 11mm discs with one hanging hole and packs of 4 discs slightly bigger at 13mm with two holes for now. The 6 disc packs feature 3 colours from the same colour group and the 4 packs 2 colours. The colours aren't set in stone and can be mixed.
The backs of the discs are counter enamelled in black which stabilizes the enamel and copper and prevents cracking and each disc is enamelled with two layers of opaque enamel on the front. I was glad to find I hadn't thrown away a pretty lavender shade I had in a Soyer enamel. It's a great colour but has a high firing temp which doesn't make it a good idea for torch enamelling but it works ok for simple discs.
I dug out a yellow I had too but seldom use but I think it goes well with the orange and red.
Shades of blue - robins' egg, seafoam (one of my favourite shades) and aqua. I think I have to say that the greens are my favourite - the pea, mint and lichen look so nice together.
That Feeling You're Being Watched.............
Ever get that feeling? I was totally engrossed in the very important things we online sellers have to do on our computers, humming along to the Arctic Monkeys on Xfm when I felt I was being watched and turned round to this......
This is Tuppence. Known as Tuppers, she sits on my work table (previously known as the dining room table) usually on top of anything that gets in her way and just stares at the back of my head using her strange cat powers to make me turn round and give her food. She's like a silent watcher, always there when I turn round and I'm sure her main reason for being is so she can appear out of nowhere to leap onto my knee everytime I sit down in the front room.
She is very much a lady, despises my other two (male) cats and I'm pleased to say she understands what the word "no" means unlike my other two male cats.....